Free Consultation (561) 750-1040
Of Counsel
Jay Kauffman represents individuals and families in prosecuting and defending claims regarding estates, trusts, and guardianships, including disputes over the validity and construction of testamentary documents and advanced directives; the modification or reformation of estate plans; the inclusion or exclusion of assets in estates or trusts; the validity of purported gifts; the mental capacity of alleged incapacitated persons; the existence and sufficiency of lesser restrictive alternatives to guardianship; the appointment of guardians; breaches of fiduciary duty in the administration of estates, trusts, and guardianships; and tortious interference with expectancies.
Mr. Kauffman also represents fiduciaries in efficiently administrating estates, trusts, and guardianships. Mr. Kauffman has represented clients primarily in Florida’s Palm Beach and Broward Counties in such matters for almost 20 years. Before that, he wrote and negotiated contracts for a telecommunications company and litigated commercial cases.
Mr. Kauffman graduated from Rutgers College, Rutgers University (B.A. with Honors in Economics,1993), and The University of Texas School of Law (J.D., 1996). He has been admitted to the Florida Bar since 1996.
Mr. Kauffman co-authored the following published legal authorities:
Chapter 4, Rights of the Surviving Family, Litigation Under Florida Probate Code, 5th edition (2005), 6th edition (2007), and 7th edition (2009);
Chapter 14 Appellate Practice In Probate, Litigation Under Florida Probate Code, 5th edition (2005), 6th edition (2007), and 7th edition (2009);
Chapter 3, Jurisdiction, Practice Under Florida Probate Code, 4th edition (2006), 5th edition (2008), 6th edition (2010) ), 7th edition (2012), 8th edition (2014), 9th edition <linked to> (2016), and 10th edition (2018);
Mr. Kauffman has also co-authored several Florida Bar Journal Articles regarding estate litigation.
Mr. Kauffman is currently a member of the Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law (RPPTL), Elder Law, and Trial Law sections of the Florida Bar. He lives in Boynton Beach with his wife and two daughters.